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RG51UA DC Motor Control


Minarik's RG51UA, controls brush-type DC motors for applications that require bi-directional variable speed and smooth motoring or braking torque in either direction of rotation. The RG51UA is ideal for OEMS: This half-wave SCR drive delivers 1/8 through 1/2 HP. The compact size and low-cost distinguishes it from other regenerative drives on the market. It is one of the smallest 1/2 HP regens on the maket.
Applications with overhauling loads, rapid deceleration, basic positioning and high duty cycle reversing and braking benefit from these versatile regenerative drives. These drives are ideal for low duty cycle applications.

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  • 4Q Reversing: Regenerative/4 Quadrant drives have the ability to perform quick, contactorless reversing on-the-fly!
  • Speed range and regulation: 3% regulation over 50:1 speed range
  • User adjustable calibration pots: IR compensation, max speed, forward torque, reverse torque and deadband.
  • Stopping Modes: Regenerative braking (N.O.).
  • Screw terminal block: Easy to terminate wires.