The MGC403 Series is one of the most feature-rich 4Q regen drives on the market. Ideal for OEMs and end users looking for a powerful, but simple to apply regenerative control. Users can easily select from a variety of operational modes including speed, torque, cycling and positioning. The built-in Motor Overload Protection meets UL 61800-5-1 and negates the need for external devices that will be required by other drives. With our standard mounting pattern and footprint, error codes for easy trouble shooting, and factory mounted fuse option, the MCC403 is designed for both new and retro-fit applications. With an on-board microprocessor, the MGC Series can also be fitted with custom programming to suite an OEMs need as well as provide Modbus communication. The MGC Series combines functionality and efficiency with affordability.
Potentiometer Kit 202-0169 is included with a purchase of the MGC403-1.5-00MD