The MGB400 Series is a microprocessor-based, fully regenerative SCR control designed to provide basic but scalable function at very economical price points. Gone is the traditional ‘adder card’ that contained logic. That has reduced overall height by 33%, thus fitting into control panel space that most regenerative SCRs cannot. The MGB400 maintains the traditional ACE footprint and mounting pattern, making it easy for existing regenerative drive users to upgrade. The MGB400 was designed with the idea of customization for OEMs, with 4 trim pots and several inputs eligible for modification to suite your needs. Standard MGB400’s can perform speed or torque mode. The drive can accept a bidirectional signal, or provides a jumper so that bidirectional control can be achieved using only a unidirectional signal.
Potentiometer Kit 202-0167 is included with a purchase of the MGB400-1.5-00MD