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DC60-36/48 Low Voltage Motor Control

DC-1Q Series

The DC60-36/48 PWM drive was designed for applications running from a DC power supply or DC battery power. This drive provides continuous current ratings and higher bus capacitance (to better handle ripple currents) than competitive units.

The DC60-36/48 is ideal for many types of portable equipment, especially battery-powered equipment due to its ability to maintain variable speed control as the battery discharges. This results in an overall increase in running time of the equipment.

With a 150% overload capacity, an inhibit function for remote starting and stopping, a power LED and non-interactive trimmer pots, the DC60-36/48 stands out among the many DC input drive options.

Potentiometer Kit 202-0031 is included with a purchase of the DC60-36/48

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Enclosure Maximum
Power Range Reversing Isolation
Chassis 60 - 36 0 - 36 1/2 - 2 1/4 .40 - 1.70 No No
48 0 - 36 1/2 - 2 1/4 .40 -1.70
0 - 48 1/2 - 3
.40 - 2.25
  • Low voltage motor operation: Designed for 12, 24, 36 and 48VDC motors.
  • Speed range and regulation: 1% regulation over 80:1 speed range.
  • User adjustable calibration pots: IR compensation, max speed, min speed, acceleration and current limit.
  • Diagnostic LEDs: Power.Stopping modes: The user can coast the motor to a stop (N.O.).
  • Spade terminals and screw terminal block: Quick and easy connections.
  • DC input voltage: Accepts DC input and outputs DC voltage up to 95% of the input with near perfect form factor.
  • One drive for two motor voltages: On board jumper to select 12 or 24VDC motor (36 or 48VDC on some models).
  • Additional features: Inhibit terminals (P/N 201-0024 for plug assembly), extruded chassis and non-interactive trimmer pots.