The DC30 is a PWM regenerative (four quadrant) drive, meaning it can reverse and/or brake on the fly without bulky contactors and resistors. The drives put regenerated power from the motor back to the battery supply, thus extending battery life.
These drives have calibration capabilities of Motor Current Limit, Regen Current Limit, Accel, Decel, IR Comp, Min Speed, Forward Max Speed, and Reverse Max Speed.
The DC30 is a microprocessor based drive like all of our new low voltage controls. Our microprocessor based drives are very OEM friendly. Many of our customers have eliminated the need for a PLC and /or sensors in their system by utilizing the flexible I/O of the DC30. Minarik Drives caters to OEMs who need something tweaked or modified, unlike the other major low voltage drive manufacturers. Contact Minarik Drives with your custom needs and ideas.